Originally Posted by Smoke Pursuit
Any decent parent will defend their child till the cows come home. I don't blame you for what you did, I just don't think its probably the best solution to the problem.
Yes you are spot on, i knew as soon as i'd finished that i had stepped over the line, as an adult i should have been able to navigate our way through this without the drama.
I honestly dont know why i took it to that level, i just read that story this morning and thought hell no, not my daughter.
Too often you read about this stuff and the perpetrators actions are watered down because they come from a crappy home or some other pity story.
The problem is, who do you report it to to get taken serious, they are under 18 so its a slap on the wrist from the law and the schools offer of an enforced holiday makes no difference if the parents dont care.
The truth is, if these girls want to continue on with this they can do so in the street, at the shops, hell, they can even sit in the restaurant where she works and intimidate her, it only takes once and she'll fear going there too.
What really ****** me off is that they, as a group of half a dozen, can say what they like to her, but as soon as someone takes them to task they run to the authority in charge with their tales of fear and because im an adult im the bad guy whilst the real victim, the reason i was there in the first place, is brushed aside whilst they comfort the precious.