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Old 03-06-2020, 04:03 PM   #1156
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Default Re: Australia housing bubble

Originally Posted by zilo View Post
Employer contributions are not your money, it comes from the employer.
Tell me what you earn and I guarantee I reckon I can find a dwelling for you to buy....won't be your dream come true, but reward is usually linked to effort.
My salary is negotiated with my employer and then super is subtracted from it and withheld until I'm old enough to retire, assuming I'm still alive by then. It doesn't come from the employer, it's money I have to negotiate as part of my contract and then forfeit access to for several decades.

I'll pass on telling you what I earn, it's pretty good but still not enough to pay rent AND save for a house deposit on a single income. I'd move out to the sticks but silly younger me lacked foresight and picked a line of work that doesn't exist outside of a capital city. Can't afford to buy close to work, can't move away else I'll have no work. I really ****ed myself in that regard.

But this coronavirus year has given me a time to reflect and once it's passed I'm going to move out of the city and throw the career down the drain. The one that I worked so hard to progress in, I don't think you'll find anyone amongst my family or friends who wouldn't agree that I put in plenty of effort to get there. Seeing as it comes down to enjoying life or career, I'm going to pick life.
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