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Old 03-06-2020, 03:30 PM   #1153
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Default Re: Australia housing bubble

Originally Posted by b0son View Post
Went to school with one of those. Was convinced she should not settle for anything less than successful and handsome. The fact her looks meant she was never going to get those sorts of guys' attention was lost on her. Ended up living with a guy and his dog in his caravan.
That's a smidge offensive.

Both "successful" and "handsome" are pretty subjective. Successful at its most basic just means someone who has at least a shred of drive to do anything other than sit at home all their life and collect the dole. I don't think many people would bother with someone who has such little drive to better their own circumstances. You can be successful and still work a menial job.

And we all know how varied peoples' tastes are when it comes to what's good looking or not. There are plenty of people who are still good looking despite not being conventionally attractive.

I'm not surprised she ended up "living with a guy and his dog in his caravan" rather than pursuing her own success if she was told by people in her life that she had no chance at happiness because they thought she was ugly. That's pretty rough.
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