Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 13-04-2020, 08:28 AM   #1569
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Why do I do this to myself ?.. after saying I'm fed up with too much media I ended up watching 60 minutes last night ..I'm an idiot (don't agree too fast) .

On there was a Professor who muddied the waters even more if that's possible.
Another expert featured seem to believe that to a degree we really need to let the virus trickle through communities and he said he doesn't understand a number of the restrictions on the back of that . Federally he fundamentally agrees that they're doing okay but he reckons some States have gone over the top too soon particularly with being outside in public. He actually said that being outside is safer than being confined inside and that sunlight breaks down virus pretty quickly . He did agree with social distancing though and suitable hygiene measures I guess .

Here it is for those who didn't see it and would like to . It's on YT today .

I'm bloody confused . At work for the past few weeks we've been going around wiping and re-wiping seats , handrails , tables outside to the point of driving us mad even when no kids have used them and you see images of mass sprayings of similar stuff in parks and public areas . Playgrounds are shut for the reasons that kids and others might touch something dangerous . One day it was raining pretty solid and our groundsman was directed to still go around wiping playground equipment . Sweden are going about it differently too ..Who is right ?

Who to believe or not eh... I have no idea.

Last edited by roddy1960; 13-04-2020 at 08:57 AM.
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