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Old 06-05-2006, 02:07 PM   #1
BF GT Bionic
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Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 13
Default Very happy BF GT owner

Hey guys,
just got my new BF GT 6spd auto bionic with stripes and thought it would be a good idea to join fordforums. Big thanks to the guys at Klosters (Newcastle) who gave me a great price and were very professional. I can highly recommend them.

A bit about my history. My previous cars have been a 2005 WRX WRP10 (1 year), 1999 WRX (5 years), EB XR8 (2-3 years). I was born into a Ford family with Dad owning 1976 (78?) Ford Marquis 5.8L. Any who, I've always loved Fords & V8s. Why the WRXs? Well I drove my mates and had to have one. Great fun to drive! Now I'm older the STI suspension was wearing thin, everyday to work and I've always had that love of V8s. Nothing will ever sound better than 8 cylinders arranged in the V configuration. Now I find myself driving a BF GT. The more I drive it the better it gets!

Look forward to sharing my time with guys who like fast Fords.

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