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Old 04-02-2024, 02:29 PM   #9
Franco Cozzo
Thailand Specials
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Default Re: Australian fuel efficiency standards aimed at cutting petrol bills, 'catching up' with US

Originally Posted by jgmdat View Post
Simon Holmes a Court would be one of this country's biggest ****ers.
Blokes an absolute pole smoker, remember how people kept whinging here about politics coming into the VFACTs discussion?

Originally Posted by Franco Cozzo View Post
Watch what will happen, media scrutiny, the federal government will intervene when there's political pressure around it.

They won't start logbooks, they'll just remove the tax advantages on Thailand Specials.

All it takes is a stroke of a pen and the party ends and that pen is getting closer and closer to being picked up, just like bringing forward the review of the Australian Standards on fuel quality and investigating the introduction of mandatory fuel efficiency standards.

kevino wasn't talking about manual Rangers, he's been a constant customer of Ford for their manual small Euro hatchbacks over the years, then they stopped offering manual euro hatchbacks, so he went to Skoda, then he's come back under the Ford brand with a DSG Puma with gritted teeth

Same as my family, went to Hyundai as Ford no longer offers new cars that my family buys.

Losing a lot of little sales here and there, thats how you end up being a car company that sells two vehicles, of which the biggest seller the customers are being incentivised by tax advantages, which can disappear tomorrow and greatly shift the dynamics of the new car market.

If the government is going to intervene in the market with incentives to promote customers to buy a particular product over the others, then you can't have this discussion without involving parliament house, Ford Australia, its Ranger sales and Canberra are joined at the hip.

Yes, its going to effect Toyota and their Hilux sales, but look at Toyota's total sales - not a two horse race like Ford Australia is, they have significantly more sales because they offer 20+ options to our market.

Back in the says of the EF Falcon when Ford Australia were last in number 1, what was the model breakdown of their sales, how many different vehicles did they offer to the market?
Originally Posted by Franco Cozzo View Post
Oh look, more focus on the tax exemptions on Thailand Specials:

Suddenly the media is focusing on FBT exemptions on Thailand Specials, the government is talking about mandating fuel efficiency standards and looking into emissions.

Are we about to see a shift in the market? There's a lot of people who have no interest in cars suddenly interested and talking about all these tax and financial benefits that the top three selling vehicles seem to attract, and the blindness of the ATO towards the abuse of them.

I wonder if government intervention in the new car market is on Ford Australia's risk register, at the moment it works in their favor, its not a problem for Toyota because of their market coverage.

If the federal government and the prime minister for inner western Sydney suddenly intervenes forcing a market shift, its a serious problem for Ford Ute
Originally Posted by Franco Cozzo View Post
They're not forcing it, but people are being heavily incentivised/subsidised to purchase these vehicles, its not a free market so your point is invalid. You can't have this conversation without acknowledging there is government interference in the market which is driving purchasing decisions.

If they cop LCT and start paying taxes on them, and the price further increases, do you think they'll go the Thailand Special, or are they going to move to SUVs?

Or even better still, fuel efficiency standards get introduced, or the government does what China does and increases registration costs on cars with internal combustion engines and makes it free for EVs - watch how quick people change their buying habits.
Originally Posted by Franco Cozzo View Post

Momentum is gathering in the political circles over everyone having a fetish for a Thailand Special, an American ute and SUVs, with people pushing for mandatory fuel efficiency standards. The kind of people who take the tram to work.

I think its going to be hilarious when the F150 starts pumping more numbers than the lowest cost model in Ford's range (Puma).

Cars died in 2017 when the VFII Commodore stopped being made, the only new cars I like is the 'Hilux Champ' which isn't coming to Australia, Suzuki Carry which is a grey import and the Tesla Model 3/Cupra Born.
Originally Posted by Franco Cozzo View Post
I wonder if we'll see hybrid unleaded versions of the Thailand Specials?

Either that or Bosch is being Bosch and is sitting on technology that will get diesels through later stage emissions and they're just sitting on it waiting for it to happen before they come out with a solution.

They do this sort of **** all the time because they're flogs.
Originally Posted by Franco Cozzo View Post
Monique Ryan in parliament has started pushing for fuel efficiency standards in Australia,

She has released an op-ed, with her thoughts on it, and I thought this would be worth a discussion with our community here on AFF:

There's a push in parliament house to introduce fuel efficiency standards, this could certainly turn the Australian car market on its head if they head down a fuel efficiency path and punish manufacturers (and customers) for flooding our market with Thailand Specials and SUVs.

I've bolded the parts I found interesting, I find it hilarious she's mentioned the F150 Lightning, they can't even manufacture enough for their own market, and they don't offer the F150 in RHD either from the factory, even if we did introduce fuel efficiency standards - whose to say Ford USA would even consider offering this to Ford Australia?
Originally Posted by Franco Cozzo View Post
Makes you wonder if they just keep the Ranger/Everest then do a GM on Asia Pacific and Europe - just focus on the US because that seems like what they're doing.

They make decisions, then they get forced on the subsidiaries but leave them without the vehicles they make the decisions for.

Monique Ryan is pushing for fuel efficiency standards in Australia in parliament as of today, something like that could effect it even further.
....I told you so

There's always something along the line mentioned about 'these people being in the minority', well those people in the minority have significant influence in Canberra and we've just seen what happens when something is on their shitlist that they take a disliking too.

It started with all the negative media attention cropping up around Thailand Specials and American utes.
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