Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 06-02-2022, 12:59 PM   #18364
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by GTMOND View Post
We got Delta under control as most of the country was in lockdowns and restrictions at the time.
No, we were under lockdown lite. People were still working and travelling around. It was vaccination that ultimately allowed us out of lockdown because lockdown was only keeping it from growing quickly.

The vaccine was supposed to be 95% effective against catching the virus, that was totally inaccurate.
Against delta, protection against infection was high.

Now we're told it may help you stop getting severe illness.
Now we're dealing with omicron. It spreads far more easily than delta ever could, but it sends far less to hospital. But if you do go to hospital, the outcomes are broadly similar.

And by the way I'm no antivaxxer, I seriously just have a little hesitancy, as the gold post's just keep moving.
Thats what viruses do - move the goalposts. Same reason there's a new flu vaccine every year. Thankfully the trend is for the virus to get less and less dangerous with each new variant, so its likely omicron mutates into something that is little worse than a cold/flu even for the unvaccinated. At that point, we indeed can rely on our immune systems and dispense with a new booster every 6 months. If it still remains particularly risky for older age groups, perhaps they will be the only ones encouraged to get boosted.

Also most people who have died have had severe underlying conditions, that's a fact.
The ones that were vaccinated, yes. But plenty of the unvaccinated who died had fairly minor underlying issues, and some had none at all.
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