Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 03-10-2021, 11:47 AM   #15587
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by slowsnake View Post
What chance has the western world got when we have reprobate crew members on international ships arriving in Fremantle Port, and they are using it to get what they can't get at home!

So this ship in photo, the Stolt Sakura leaves Singapore for Australia and "magically" all the crew come down with covid symptoms?
This ship travelled from South Korea, China and Taiwan between August and September?
So I/we are to believe that between South Korea, China and Taiwan then Singapore that the crew were perfectly healthy???

Bullsh.t, am i/we to believe that this covid free ship crewed by covid free sailors only got sick after leaving Singapore??....on the way to Australia and know that they would be accepted and given the red carpet treatment?.

Well I would like a bit of that too, does this Government not see what's going on here?
I'm dumbfounded, I really am, seems being an Australian taxpayer is worth nothing at all at the end of the day!

Where's the confusion? The ship left Singapore on the 24th, and they developed symptoms sometime before the 28th. With the 10-14 day incubation period of Sars-cov-2, that gives them 5+ days prior to leaving Singapore where they could have become inoculated. Nothing 'magical' about it, the dates line up.
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