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Old 18-06-2021, 07:38 PM   #20
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Default Re: Climate change fact or fiction

Originally Posted by five 7 View Post
Appears the Mung bean and Tofu mob are running the show here in NZ now, we are getting endless streets loosing lanes to cycle ways but no cycles on them, the congestion caused and blocked up traffic lights must waste fuel and time, i don't mind pushy's they are fun to ride but there is a time and place, NZ is not suited to have bikes as a form of transport for most.
We now have a second harbour crossing walking cycles only, that our Govt found 700m to fund (there has been no survey done) for "possibly" 3k of walkers and cyclists. yet there are roads and bridges down around the country with no time frame to fix, talk about the lunatics running the asylum.
We then have a whole generation now (from constant fear mongering) that thinks we will be under multiple feet of water in the not to distant future or roasting under ever increasing temperature, this same generation will protest off shore mining at a well known beach near me holding up surfboards with no mining signs on them wearing clothing/wetsuits made from petro chemicals and they drove there in cars to protest, and will upgrade a cell phone yearly for no reason .
I just feel it has got out of control they now want to limit our farming production which is NZ s main form of income, cow farts are bad apparently, talk about shooting your self in the foot, do i think we can live cleaner yes but this is not the way.
PS. I'm waiting with baited breath for a ban against volcanos its coming soon.
No western country is immune from the rot of the self destructive left. But the best thing any NZer with a decent degree/trade/work ethic can do is cash in on the disgusting over priced property market and move to Australia.
The country doesn't have the population to sustain the costly and failing social experiments the clueless narcissistic bitch is putting the joint through which sees ideology trump reality. Things will be a whole lot worse when the complicit media secure her a third term next election.
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