Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 09-01-2021, 03:05 PM   #8942
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by tweeked View Post

Giving notice of a lockdown when you still have the 4 reasons defeats the purpose of the lockdown. I reckon there would be very few vacancies on the Sunshine and Gold Coasts, full of escapees making the most of the free long weekend
! The only exception was the lockdown of the Housing Commission flats in Melbourne. The logistical support to those in that community was not good enough. As long as you can still go out for supplies, why give a days notice. My only personal exception is that everyone should be allowed to go home. I think this should be a right that governments should have to work around to allow it safely.
A very difficult call to make for the officials. Rights of the few vs health of the many. There really is not a right or wrong answer IMHO, just answers that people will either agree or disagree with.

The melb tower lock downs were found to have breached human rights. Whilst it is not what you saw on TV, there are other reports that stated a majority of residents in those towers agreed with the lock down. They wanted to be protected. I can believe that, because if the majority did not agree, they could have EASILY out muscled the officials there and not comply.
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