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Old 10-08-2020, 07:11 PM   #3270
Kicking back
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Western sydney
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Default Re: Geez! I hate that!

I had to go out and buy new phone charger cords today. Im not unusual in the sense i did have a charger in a few rooms in the house and one in the car, but over time they all died bar my final 1. My kid who lives with his nana, his tablet died because he 'has' no charger. I asked why and he said his mums cord died so she took the one i got him and wont let him use it. So i was going to take him tomorrow to buy cords, but i did it today. Reason being the 4 foot ones i like are only $10 but from the tabacconist. Not that thats an issue buying phone chargers, but my kid would instantly tell his mum he got it from the smoke shop and id have backlash to deal with. So i bought him 2. And 2 for myself. But its annoying because unless you make a specific trip, phone cords are expensive if you get them from a servo out of convenience.
Appart from the fact you just cant do that, people dont have a sense of humour. I would have loved to have taken the kid in, asked for the 4 cables, then asked the boy if he wanted a treat. Then asked for a pack of winfeild reds for the young bloke. My kid would be mortified, but i would laugh.
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