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Old 31-07-2020, 12:57 AM   #3256
Crazy Dazz
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Geez! I hate that!

Something I really hate is when idiots think its quite ok to lie about the kilometres their car has travelled, based on some bizarre rationale they have invented.
Now kms are not the be-all and end-all, but they can at a quick glance give you a rough idea of the usage a car may have. If you're looking at a 10yr old GT, and it's done 50kk, then it's probably been his pride & joy, kept for weekends, holidays, and cruises. And its possibly worth what he's asking. But when you find one that's done nearly 400kk, and is completely knackered, but some tosser still wants a mint "cos its rare", then probably not.

It's bad enough when they do it based on something substantial, such as a re-built engine. But one flogger was basing it off kms travelled since since he installed some kind of "kit". FMD
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