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Old 25-04-2020, 04:22 PM   #1900
Kicking back
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Western sydney
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Default Re: What made you feel good today?

I genuinly had to laugh today. My car was at my grandpas place, no i didnt park it there, i wont get into how it got there, nothing to do with me. My aunty took it back to my mums house. My aunty has a history of deplorably slow cars and a lead foot. A bf with an na barra isnt a fast car. But my aunty has my mum scared because apparently there was a flashing light when she would corner. Flat footed of course dsc will say no. Its not a yarris. The weird sound is dsc. The car was saying no. Made me laugh but. Whens the last time a stock barra has ever scared a person? I dont think that statement has ever been made. Long story short i havent had that car in quite a few years, drove it not too long ago, but hasnt been on my driveway in maybe 8 years. Its nothing scary to say the least.
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