Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 20-04-2020, 03:59 PM   #1987
mick taylor
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by Ross 1 View Post
Everyone isn't equal in Marxism, even Marx divided it into two classes and the manifesto of the communist party even adds a further two classes to that.
If you want to find something that brainwashes its followers into all thinking the same thing maybe reference mainstream religion instead, they have even written big books on how to think and act, plus weekly meetings to drum it into you.

Definition for racism hasn't changed.

Learn to pronounce
noun: racism
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.
Yes but Just to point out a difference is classed as racial prejudice nowadays by the majority of fools.

One may point out an issue in regard to a subject, that just happens to be also maybe crosses the bounds of another nationality issue somewhat and all hell brakes loose, with morons claiming racist ! as in racial prejudice ? No ! not at all, well maybe racial content within the subject but it's worthy content of truth and knowledge on the subject that's at hand, but it's not prejudice at all, but you try and tell the socialist clowns that when they are frothing at the mouth.

There is noting wrong with one having or coming from a racial stance ? that's not prejudice at all, because it's a healthy subject, but prejudice is a uneducated and ignorant point of view of one who knows nothing or just does not care at all.

Some Nations do claim to be the superior race, the Zionist Jew do and you are not allowed to bring that subject up as that's taboo now and China and Japan do make the same claims, do I care ? big deal what they think, such will not upset me at all. but I am just not ignorant of the facts. oh no someone thinks that they are better than me, well I truly hope that they are for my sake and theirs. or do they have a different opinion than me ? I am glad they have their own as the last thing I would want to do is dominate their opinions.

I could point out all the religious nonsense as well for you, so as to clear that madness up.
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