Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 04-04-2020, 08:34 PM   #1129
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

....Watching the news tonight after a wet rainy boooring day at home . No one to talk to other than my U.S. friend on the phone . That was cool . Love my muttleys to bits but geez they don't talk much . Any normal Saturday I'd be fishing or bushwalking or something .

On the news at the reason for this post .. Some medical expert now suggesting that we should consider having some form of herd immunity which kind of flies in the face of what we're supposedly doing now . Something to do with allowing more people to develop a greater immunity to the virus and allowing them to resume a more normal life quicker.. or something ...Buggered if I know.

The second thing was the encouraging initial work done right here in Australia using the core of a head lice treatment that seems to stop the coronavirus from multiplying within 24-48 hours. Already the tablet form of the drug is well known regarding human side effects . Long way off but encouraging none the less . Also the woman being interviewed hoped that clinical human trials can be sped up sooner than normal .

A bit of positive news there .

Mental health is a huge issue here ...As each week passes I hope our bloody free to air TV networks , radio mobs and such start recognizing that and **** off all these 'special reports' , extended news services and such before they send people over the edge ...TOO MUCH , WAY TOO MUCH. A bit more normal TV or extra movies instead please . Thank goodness I have Foxtel which lets me watch some decent doco's and movies instead .

Last edited by roddy1960; 04-04-2020 at 08:47 PM.
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