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Old 13-03-2020, 02:42 PM   #147
Man from Ironbark
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: north Qld
Posts: 161
Default Re: Ok, what is wrong with people! Hording toilet paper...

Originally Posted by DOC View Post
A true story. the other night I recalled a story that my dad told me a story/joke when I was a young grasshopper.

He said son, how do you how to wipe your backside with one piece of toilet paper?

A puzzled look in reply.

(Use your minds eye here)

1. He said take your piece of toilet paper (one sheet) and place it in front of you.

2. Now fold the bottom left corner up to the top right corner making a triangle.

3. Now take the bottom right corner and fold it up to the top left corner. You now have a smaller triangle with the point facing you.

4. At the point that is nearest to you now tear a very small semi-circle from the tip of the triangle.

5. Now put the little bit you tore from the triangle to one side as you will need to use this later. (it should be around the size of a 5c piece)

6. Unfold the sheet of toilet paper and locate the hole in the centre (also about the size of that 5c piece) and place your middle finger through the hole.

7. Gently wipe your backside with your finger as the toilet paper will protect your hands from getting covered in sheite.

8. Now that you have finished wiping your backside, remember that little circle of toilet paper that we saved from before? That's for cleaning the sheite out from underneath your fingernail and you are done.


A very true story that my dad told me that joke, just didn't think I would ever need to remember it until the great dunny paper raids on our supermarkets.
yep . was tha thing in the day .. thats why i always kept me fingernails short . cause i used ta lick me fingers to get me rollie papers , for me log cabin backy durries ta seal ..

anyway . getting back to the first post on this subject ...

if i were ta follow sheep . i may buy heaps of rolls , cause some one may have the bloody stupid notion toilet rolls will protect ya ...

hey ..,. big bloody News snowlakes .. i would stock up on tucker ...if ya that bloody worried ...

without food .. wtf do ya need toilet paper for ...
get a grip ... too many ppl grip tha wrong thing...

okay ,, foood ya say , well no prob's just go down ta local fast food / grocery store , mingle with every one . kinda defeats tha whole thing ...

But . hey me t/rolls will protect me ....

awaiting Flames ...... no one wants ta hear tha truth ..

buy a bloody freezer ,fmr

Last edited by Hippy; 13-03-2020 at 02:54 PM.
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