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Old 09-03-2020, 10:28 PM   #106
Kicking back
Join Date: Dec 2013
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Default Re: Ok, what is wrong with people! Hording toilet paper...

Some of the measures implimented in offices ive seen due to hysteria are pretty extreme. I have a lot of commercial clients so i predominantly work in offices. 2 weeks back i had to sign a document asking things like had i travelled to china, have any flu like symptoms, all the good stuff. The last question was when i travelled. So concerns were high when i put down i have travelled to currently affected regeons, but releif when i wrote 20 years ago. Last friday i worked in a place and their terms of entry were similar, but i had to have both my phones sterilised in this contraption that made them smell funny. Today i was working for a good client of mine, she is the facillities manager for an office of maybe 1200 peoples. 4 floors. The hysteria means she now has to orginise individual packaged things. No communal buscuit jars, coffe tins, sugar pots, milk in the fridge, the cutlery draws are off limits... the list goes on and on. Its extreme. Surprisingly though, no one of the parinoid office people have bought up the fact each floor only has 1 male and 1 female bathroom so they may be handling the same poo ticket dispensers, taps, flush buttons, hand towel thingys, soap dispensers. And hand sanitiser is anti bacterial. It wont kill a virus. Yeah i get taking precaution and being responsible if you either show symptoms or get diagnosed, do the right thing etc, take your sick days and self isolate. But the at risk people are the same as for any new flu strain. Its not every person for themselves doomsday. People arent dropping like flys. Yes its not something to simply brush off, and i probably come across a bit that way, but common sense not hysteria.
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