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Old 04-03-2020, 05:06 PM   #1373
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Will the Holden brand survive?

Originally Posted by jstanovic View Post
Not hypocritical at all. Due to personal circumstances and work type I cant hire someone full time as I don’t work 9-5 mon-fri and I can’t guarantee work for them. I only need an extra hand to do physical tasks that I can’t do every couple of months. The ones that I wouldn’t hire are either unemployed or only work when they have to. Their attitudes to work is generally poor, but a bit of quick cash seems to get them working satisfactorily for me, I pay well for what they do. Quite often half their day will be standing around watching me until I need them again, even after a day of helping me they can’t anticipate what will happen next and use initiative to prepare the next bit for me, won’t automatically start cleaning where we have just finished working even after instructing them twice beforehand etc etc etc.

In saying that I have had about 12-15 apprentices work under me when I was on wages, prob 3-4 of them I would take on myself, the others wouldn’t have lasted the probationary period. When you rock up to work, be prepared to work, keep your phone in your pocket and put effort into what you’re doing. Even after repeatedly telling some people this, subtle hints and full on blunt instructions, some still carry on like their life issues are always a priority. A simple “Sorry mate, I don’t think this will work out” soon gets the message across haha

The worst bit is instructing them over and over again, simple tasks should come to you automatically after a week working with the same guy. What do we get out the van when we get to the job? What size ladder will we need? Do we need the fixings box? To anyone slightly switched on these questions should start straight away. After a month, if you’re getting out the van and waiting for someone to tell you what to do you need to have a look at yourself. I don’t care if you ask the wrong thing or make mistakes, just show some bloody interest and initiative towards the job, don’t get out the van and start checking your phone.

My best apprentice was 52 years old, when I was only 30. He would do all the **** jobs happily, I often offered to get into roof spaces in summer just so he wouldn’t have to but he wouldn’t let me, his attitude was “I gotta learn sometime, and now’s as good a time as ever.”
Yeah, you're a hypocrite.
Your attitude to others is rotten. Not all, in fact very few are like the evil lazy nitwits that you complain about. Try something radical, and treat others with some respect and humanity. No one, but the desperate would really want to work for you, with that attitude.
Ya don't slow down as you get older ... you just enjoy taking longer to do it ... better!
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