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Old 11-12-2019, 12:10 AM   #2932
Kicking back
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Western sydney
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Default Re: Geez! I hate that!

My kid pulled my line on me. Its my line. No one can counter those words. So, i havent seen him in a while, but we have been talking frequently. Anyrate, a few weeks back we bought new slot cars and they were both identical. So anything that works on mine ill do to his. Keep it even. So i did a few setup things and changed the tyres on mine and sent photos to the boy of the improvements and the car and he was fine. Keen for the same for his car. Picked him up today, and with the different rear wheels, showed him my slot car and he said it was ugly. So i fired back saying he was ugly. Just for some context yes im his dad but we treat each other like brothers and both have a sence of humour. And he instantly steals my line and shoots back with, 'no, im incredibly good looking'. Yes im better looking then his mum, but he got me and there is no comeback for that. So the rest of the drive to the pub we did not speak.
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