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Old 19-04-2017, 07:27 PM   #25
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Australia housing bubble

Originally Posted by Trump View Post
The root cause of the housing affordability problem (and the rest of the economic woes) isn't negative gearing or capital gains related, nor is it about supply and demand. It exists along with the other economic maladies because the banks control the currency and not the treasury. Because as it stands, for every dollar in the form of cash, there are ten more that are credit-derived (any form of bank-sourced credit).

Sound money issued by the treasury and only the treasury (whether it be in the form of physical notes and coins, their electronic equivalent, gold and silver or a combination of all three) wouldn't allow the banks to issue credit hand over fist and fuel a speculators paradise.
Can you expand on this. I get what you mean in regards to 10 more credit dollars for every dollar but isn't currency controlled by world markets as the free flow of capital is highly transferable. How does currency relate to property prices not seeing the link.
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