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Old 09-03-2006, 09:50 PM   #57
Fantastic Plastic
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Join Date: Jan 2006
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Spewin , i was hoping to have my xr6 supercharged by bbq day , but looks like it's another 2 months or so off due to bills coming out my *** for other stuff non car related. Im sure some really nice modded I6's would draw just as much attention as the xr8's. I'll push this 6 till it blows be4 i ever go a V8 again i recon , i was a V8 head years ago , but there is something a bit more of a rewarding feeling when u get a 6 to go hard as hell ! - anyone can have a v8 and it goes well ,but to even have a worked 6 and rip the *** of a stock 8 is a pretty good feeling imo

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