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Old 05-10-2015, 12:04 AM   #1448
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: AFF Weight Gain/Loss Program

Interesting to look at the efforts others make to lose some weight, ive started getting serious about losing of the middle age spread ...... yet again, this time im watching what i eat, and seriously doing some walking .
If i can convey one little tid bit of info for the younger dudes/dudets, once your getting on in years , and your body has done some hard miles , you can then add more pain into the equation of losing weight(so if you can stay a bit trim now all the better) .
For years jumping up and down of trucks has done my joints in , cartilages are like old territory ball joints if i can use that analogy ;), shoulders , knees getting a bit dodgey , hips are totally knackered, but i push through the pain which seems really bad/worse in the mornings , getting up the front veranda steps after the walk ......ouch.
ive done two walks today the first one, 2 kilometres,
this evening i did 3 kilometres , pain wasnt as bad .

My take on the losing weight thing is , taking it off is actually a piece of ****, especially if your not in pain, its the mind that is the problem, you have to stay focused ,

tonight for example i went out for tea and it was tough to pick salad for tucker, but i did it , i did weaken and have big java though .

Its all about the pain in one way or another, i dont know how long i can keep it up for, but i have set myself a goal and when i get skinny (if it happens ! ) i may reward myself , its a BS reward , i have put in my grey cells im going for it anyway, i wont tell you peeps what the reward is because ill be the laughing stock of the AFF , but its something to aim for anyway.
for the record today i did 8072 steps (5 k`s), according to the health app on my galaxy note , i walked off 180 calories in the second walk , speaking of walking i find having some bluetooth head phones playing some good tunes of your phone or other device helps to stay on track.
Anyway to all of us .... may the focus be with us !
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