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Old 14-08-2015, 02:59 PM   #1443
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: AFF Weight Gain/Loss Program

Originally Posted by DoreSlamR View Post
I know this thread hasn't been updated for a little while but I'm wanting to share what I've been doing lately to lose a bit of weight..and maybe advice on if im heading in the right direction.

I'm 188cm tall and 2 weeks ago I was 144kg.

I would like to get down to 100

I've started eating ligh n easy meals a month ago to control how much I eat each day, it seems to have helped a bit but I'm constantly feeling hungry, and have given in a couple of times. I picked up a cheap exercise bike a week ago and have started this 15 minute workout every night so far..

I'm now down to 136.4 as of this morning so I guess something is working!

I'm finding the exercise part easy to do mentally, but the eating part has been real hard..

It doesn't help that eating has been my coping mechanism, some people drink, some smoke...I ate.

So yeah that's me at the moment, any tips to share? Is the above routine going to help at all?
It sounds like the lite n easy is the way to go for you, the biggest thing about loosing weight is portion control and those meals will help you if your not inclined to go through the process weighing all of your own food.

An important step when you start to diet is to not be drastic and go from 4000 calories a day down to 2000 calories a day. 2000 calories a day should be your eventual goal but you will only hit plateaus if you go too hard too soon.

Don't worry that you've only lost a few kilos at this early stage as most peoples metabolisms take about 3 weeks to get into fat burning mode.

My golden rule for dieting was this:

Firstly, you must calculate what you are currently eating now before you start dieting so you know what your starting point is for calorie intake, there are heaps of really good phone apps that will do it for you.

Secondly, reduce your daily calorie intake by 300 calories and then keep it the same for 10 days, then reduce it by another 300 calories and then keep it at that for another 10 days and so on until you reach your target daily calorie intake.

By only reducing by 300 calories you avoid the feeling hungry all the time feeling but 300 calories isn't much of a deficit so you need to be strict as just 1 beer can bring you back to maintenance calories and you won't be in deficit.

Thirdly, try and eat about 5 to 6 meals a day in the early stages whilst still sticking to the second rule above and then gradually reduce the total calorie content of the meals down to 400 calories per meal, that way 5 meals a day x 400 calories = 2000 calories.

Lastly, the body doesn't need a lot of carbs to perform at it's best, your carb intake doesn't need to exceed more than 100 grams per day and try to consume all of your daily carb intake at breakfast, mid morning and lunch.

Also excess carb consumption makes the body produce more insulin (a powerful hormone) and excess insulin reduces the bodies ability to burn fat.

And most importantly stick at it.
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