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Old 05-08-2015, 11:51 AM   #119
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Default Re: Depression, Anxiety

Been living with depression for 5-6 years now. For some strange reason I felt it come on after the birth of my kids, which is funny because from what I read women tend to get more depressed after the birth of kids rather than men.

Been to a few Drs who follow the typical procedure, give you a chart to fill out, and send to to a shrink, who may or may not be able to help you. I am also on meds at the moment which are called Valdoxan. This seems to be helping but I have my odd occasion where I feel down.

To cut a long story short, I finally decided to really think about what makes me feel like this and pinned it down to my suffocating job, my daily repetitive routine (grind), not being able to have more free time for myself anymore and generally feeling trapped in this slave like life.

I tell you when I hit the 2-3week Christmas new years break (from life) I feel amazing and no signs of depression what so ever. I enjoy the time with my kids and my family.

So to anyone who also has this, just take a moment and think about why and what are the causes to make you feel like this but above all see your DR.
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