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Old 11-02-2015, 01:41 AM   #900
Pilko FNQ
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Default Re: Ford Falcon XR8 Sedan Price Announced

Originally Posted by geobar View Post
Hi All,

Thought I would post some information, most is what others have already mentioned.

Went to 4 dealers over the weekend in the Sydney area to enquiry for an XR8 for my brother, I already have a deposit on one since October last year mind you still waiting and have no news on it, anyway every dealer had something different to say but one thing that was consistent as others have said was the magic number of around 1200 units being made.

Interesting as there are over 300 dealers nationally if each dealer has an average or 4 cars ordered then there goes all 1200 XR8's. The dealers we spoke to had a minimum of 6 orders and a couple had 8.

Prices ranged from 58k - 63.5k for an Auto with Metallic paint.

One dealer mentioned they are not taking anymore orders as they believe they will not be able to fill them. The other 3 were happy to take deposits, interesting though the dealer with the cheapest price of 58K said you will not have a problem getting a car and happy to take a deposit but at the same not would not guarantee it. The reason we wanted a guarantee is that my brother has a 2013 XR6 Turbo to sell and he doesn't want to sell it if he can't get an XR8 and he needs to sell it privately as he has done work to it and a trade in price would be way to low.

So it seems more and more obvious that the XR8's are going to be a real low volume car, and those who have ordered one early might be lucky to get one but they would be waiting for them as the dealers are only going to get in 1 or 2 cars a month. Two of the dealers was still waiting for their first ones to be delivered as they haven't received one yet at all.

I also got the sense from a couple that even though you have one on order if you come in with a higher price they would be happy to sell you the car, unethical but I got the sense they would do that.

Another interesting fact, I was also asking if they heard anything about a limited edition XR6 Turbo with the same specs as the 8 but using the F6 motor all but 1 said nope heard nothing. The one who did say something said it was 99% going to happen.

Take everything with a grain of salt as I did when speaking to them but just relaying our experience.

I like the story from my dealer........"Yes there are only 1200 XR8's, we have an allocation of 20, you will get your car in July when requested, don't listen to all the rumours"........sure hope he is right as i put my deposit down last November. Chris.
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