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Old 29-01-2015, 08:31 PM   #76
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Default Re: $700-a-year increase running an airconditioner & snap price rises of as much as 15,000 %

Originally Posted by jpblue1000 View Post
Why is this a surprise, why is this an issue that isn't understood.
I believe the Australian people should own our power generation. But we sold it to private companies years ago for a short term cash injection.
Every private company has the drive to make profit, as yours does or would if you worked for yourself.

Philosophical question time!

Why are profits acceptable when you receive them but not acceptable when you have to pay for them.
If you don't like the price buy elsewhere or find alternates or use less!
Who says you have a right to cheap power?

Don't mind paying for the energy costs rises but as long as the companies can justify the increases & guarantee of services, atm costs are sky rocketing with threats of power black outs is just not on imo!!!
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