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Old 13-12-2011, 03:16 PM   #1090
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: AFF Weight Gain/Loss Program

Originally Posted by SCUD
Interesting thread. Tapers down to a bit too much of the body building side of things and well, perhaps there actually should be a thread for it.

I don't usually like to publicly speak about my weight stuff, but this thread kinda compelled me to do it.

At XMAS in 2007 I went to visit my parents on the Gold Coast where they were living at the time. My mum hadn't seen me for a few months and was surprised to see the weight I was carrying had kept growing. I hit the scales and was 102.5kg. Im 181cm tall and 26 years of age.

By XMAS in 2008, my parents were down in Melbourne for XMAS and were staying at an aunty and uncles. Two days prior to christmas I hit the scales at 80kg.

By XMAS in 2009, I was at around 90kg.

By XMAS 2010, nothing much had changed.

This XMAS, I'm 99kg.

How that sucks!

I've been through the various cycles. During 2008, I had my best mate who I actually worked with 6 days a week as my gym buddy. We both had the same goals and were a similar weight with him being slightly shorter than me. So we used to hit up the gym in the morning and at night and hit it pretty hard. This was probably the best time I had, of course, I lost 22.5kg.

Since then, everything changes as usual and whilst I go through phases of wanting to eat right, exercise plenty, employ personal trainers and what not things just don't seem to hit any consistency.

So here I am again, I have tried to put myself back into it. I'm choosing not to use a personal trainer at this stage due to current financial goals, but will perhaps engage one again come February 2012.

My newest little fad is that I've created a blog page to use as a weight loss diary. I have a bad habit of weighing myself every day, which has never changed and as bad as some people seem to view this, I'm going to anchor it in. As a motivation tool, every time I weigh myself now I'm taking two photos of myself in the mirror (one front on, one side on) and posting to my blog with diary entries, one in the morning and one at the end of the day to provide a summary of how the day progressed.

I don't subscribe to diets, but I read 'The ABS Diet' by American Mens Health a while back and figured it made a lot of sense. It doesn't really have a "no carb" or "no fat" approach, it focuses on what it calls the 12 power foods: Almonds and other nuts, beans and legumes, spinach and other green vegetables, dairy (fat free or low-fat milk, yoghurt, cheese) instant oatmeal, eggs, turkey and other lean meats, natural peanut butter, olive oil, whole-grain breads and cereals, extra protein intake (whey) and raspberries and other berries to summarise it.

I've devised the best diet I could possibly stand without wanting to hang myself based around their suggestions, and worked in a full body weight program to use 2-3 times a week focusing once on abs and once on legs specically. At every other opportunity, cardio work will come in through either cross trainer, treadmill, walking outdoors (local), and I'm even considering buying or renting an exercise bike to keep in my bedroom for down times where I can just ride at a moderate pace and watch tv or something.

I would like to drop back to somewhere between 80-85kg.

My problem is more so motivation. I can go great for a week, some times even a month but it's like something is ticking inside that will set me off on the binge food and binge drinking then it all comes apart. I CBF going to the gym and here we are a month later (seriously 6 weeks ago I weighed about 94kg) and you're pushing 3 digits on the scales.

So here's hoping I can produce some results. I will keep you posted!
I don't think it needs a different thread mate... The title is weight gain/loss... Putting on fat isn't the only way to gain weight

Having said that, a lot of people focus too much on the 'diet' side of things. Sure, maybe it's easier to just limit food intake and hope to lose weight, but it's much easier to keep eating the same with smaller portions (provided you don't eat a heap of junk) and just exercise a few days per week.

Also, if i was you, i wouldn't focus too much on your ab muscles mate. Working the abs rarely burns enough calories, or builds enough muscle to be worthwhile as a fat burning exercise... Unless you have already lost most of the gut and are simply trying to define the abs, it's almost a waste of time...

You'd be much better off spending that time lifting weights for the legs and chest, or other bigger muscle groups. Alternatively, you'd be better off doing cardio, or a mix of weights and cardio.

You're right though, motivation is the key.. My problem is beer, i love to have a drink with mates... So, my motivation to train comes from knowing that at least if i train hard, i can have a few beers and not 'put' on weight, and maybe at least stay the same!

Good luck with your training, i know how hard it can be! The trick is to stick at it, don't hope for the quick fix and then slip into old habits... The change needs to happen forever. Even once you reach your target weight, ensure you train, and still watch what you eat...
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