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Old 28-04-2009, 08:20 PM   #168
SA Fairmont GT
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Originally Posted by mikmak
On the contrary, I'd bet the Mitsu workers must have been nervous leading up to the release of the last of the Magnas (I know, 380 but it's still a magna). Whilst they had significantly improved fit and general quality (especially over the US version), it still had the same major bug bears of Large FWDs. Can't park, can't steer and go at the same time. It also had crap rear head room and a centre console with buttons from a Chinese market radio.

They didn't build a vehicle that had the necessary requirements to increase market share. Even more so, they were victims of the same foe that has gotten the world in the crapola that it is currently in. Speculators.

Media coverage of the impending death compounded the problems at Mitsu.

Cash relies heavily on confidence, as does any commodity. Folks watching the nightly 6 o'clock horror show, get their opinions from news channels that predominantly angle a story to look worse than it is, in order to generate more follow on viewership. Market speculators know this and sell based on which way they assume the public will react. Once they sell big, it hits the financial pages making Joe Public think it's even worse.

Now you can't blame Joe. He doesn't have time to investigate every occurrence outside his level of understanding. This recurring decay of stock price gives rise to short selling, hence it being poo-pooed by the feds.

The US government has tried to get around negative public perception in regard to GM and Chrysler by assuring Joe that the warranty on his Silverado will hold water, no matter what the outcome. This will be the real decider on whether or not GM can turn around. Convince the public that GM can be okay and the speculators will follow.......creating another bubble
Very well put mate.
'mmm...Fairmont GT'
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