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Old 09-07-2008, 09:25 PM   #112
AWD Assassin
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Originally Posted by mr smith
Spot on about the govenment revenue. I personally dont care about the petrol prices but I do care that we are paying way more tax and our hospitals are full, education costs too much and public transport is a joke. The higher petrol prices at least get people to think before just wasting petrol to drive to the local milk bar.
Unfortunately the price of petrol is a key driver that resonates throughout the rest of the economy............everything gets affected because our social fabric is built around using oil as our main energy source. As oil prices increase, so will the general cost of living.............It will mean much more than thinking twice about driving to the milk bar..........for many people it will put many luxury items and leisure activities beyond their normal reach.........things we were all used to only 5 years ago may very well become extreme luxuries in the next 5 years as MOST businesses suffer and try to recoup their costs.................remember, its always the consumer that foots the bill for any business expense and most businesses are suffering the additional costs..........right now.
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